Steven Den Beste hangs up his keyboard, then
Bill Whittle seems to have flown into the Wild Blue Yonder and now The Chief Diplomad announces that
The Diplomad is departing for the Far Abroad. I have been a big fan of
The Diplomad since I discovered them last summer. I thought they were well on their way to becoming one of the great blogs of our time, and frankly I think they are being a little premature in their retirement. On the other hand, as I said in my
comment on the last post, hopefully SecState Rice has recognized the inherent greatness of The Chief Diplomad and has elevated him to a position of greatly deserved prominence.
I guess if I'm going to become a blogosphere great, I need my superiors to graciously step down, since I sincerely doubt my ability to naturally surpass them. Thank you
The Diplomad for aiding me on my rise to power. When the Revolution comes, you will be rewarded.
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