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Catastrophic Success

As if there weren't enough political opinionating out there, I, too, now sing the body bloglectric. Let me FEED you![XML]

Location: United States

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Brief Hiatus

Since it appears that I am on a brief hiatus, I will officially declare that I am on a brief hiatus through the end of February. I need to re-think the direction of this blog. Originally, it was intended as less personal and more political, but with the conclusion of the recent spate of elections, I am a little burned out on politics and need to devise some more regular material - i.e. more Friday Funnies type departments, probably a weekend book review since I read about a book a week, etc.

Unfortunately, I am trying to better apply myself at work, which leaves me less time to blog (whose priorities are in disorder?) and read blogs. I feel I am out of the loop leaving me less to say when I do feel the urge to blog.

Check out Catastrophic Success 2.0 on March 1st. Until then, be well.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

My wife, the irrepressible Mrs. Bixby (not her real name) is walking the Walk. Please consider donating to her campaign. I haven't begged for money yet, and I probably won't do it again, but she has set herself a high goal and we would love to surpass it.

The format of the walk is unique. It extends over two days and covers up to 39.3 miles. That's a Marathon-and-a-half! On your feet. For TWO DAYS! On Saturday, the walkers can choose to walk 13.1 miles (half-a-marathon) or 26.2 miles (a full marathon) knowing that on Sunday they will again be walking 13.1 miles.

Last year, she walked the entire length, although it took her the entire twelve hours allotted for the 26.2 miles. This year she wants to blow that out of the water and I think she can do it.

It is a cause dear to our hearts as Mrs. Bixby (not her real name)'s family has a long and sad history with cancer, and breast cancer especially. The pageantry surrounding the event is beyond moving and utterly inspiring. There have been few moments in our shared lives when I was more proud of my dearest wife than when she crossed that Finish Line upright and walking tall. My daughters, my mother-in-law and I had a grand time "chasing" her around the City and cheering her (and the thousands of other walkers) on.

OK, I ramble. But Mrs. Bixby (not her real name) wants very much to do this again this year and this blog is a new potential venue for fundraising for this, so I'd love to see both of my regular readers donate and validate the time I spend on this in her eyes. Can you do this for me? If not, can you do this for your mom, sister, aunt, daughter? Can you do this for yourself?

If you can't donate, consider participating in the walk. They are all over the country. If you can't do the Walk, find out when the one in your area is and seek out the route. Find the Cheering Stations and cheer these many women and (few) men on. You will feel better for doing so. Many walkers last year told me that if not for the people they knew would be at the next cheering station, they wouldn't have made it. It's an all around good day.

I will shortly have a post from Mrs. Bixby (not her real name) herself to tell you in her own words why she is doing this.

Draft Condi!

Dick Morris, who is actively engaged in thwarting the Clinton Legacy, or rather, the Legacy the Clintons wanted to leave, is calling for a Draft Condi for President movement to halt Hillary in '08 and put the final nail in the wrong-headed "Rethuglicanz R H4terzzz" gibberish the left keep spewing. Hmm... has anyone locked down draftcondi08.com? Nope... get jumping kids. I hate cyber-squatting, but some don't. Go for it.

I love the idea of President Condi. If our first female President is also our first black President, we can get this stupid gender and color barrier idea off the table and a real meritocracy could begin. Besides, I have such an intellectual crush on Condi. She is brilliant, calm, confident and eminently qualified. I can't wait for this race.

Maybe I should start printing Draft Condi Cards and Buttons.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Dropping like Flies!

First Steven Den Beste hangs up his keyboard, then Bill Whittle seems to have flown into the Wild Blue Yonder and now The Chief Diplomad announces that The Diplomad is departing for the Far Abroad. I have been a big fan of The Diplomad since I discovered them last summer. I thought they were well on their way to becoming one of the great blogs of our time, and frankly I think they are being a little premature in their retirement. On the other hand, as I said in my comment on the last post, hopefully SecState Rice has recognized the inherent greatness of The Chief Diplomad and has elevated him to a position of greatly deserved prominence.

I guess if I'm going to become a blogosphere great, I need my superiors to graciously step down, since I sincerely doubt my ability to naturally surpass them. Thank you The Diplomad for aiding me on my rise to power. When the Revolution comes, you will be rewarded.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Tucker Carlson gets a new gig, the Enterprise docks

Tucker Carlson, Jon Stewart's favorite sock monkey, will be getting a new show on MSNBC and starting work there next week. The new show should premiere some time next quarter. Carlson was fired earlier this year after the heated conversation with Jon Stewart and Paul Begala linked above. Good luck to him. It takes a better man than I to wear a bow tie every day.

Via Peoria Pundit, I just found out that Enterprise will be cancelled at the end of this season. I find this highly disappointing as I found it to be good Sci-Fi, if not always the best Star Trek. Bill Dennis wants a re-imagining of the Original Series, a la Battlestar Galactica. Hmmm... maybe, but I just don't know if I can handle a non-Shatner Kirk. I mean, he's the Kirk!

LiveBlogging the SOTU

8:10 strong opening. Start with a list of countries practicing the liberty and freedom you will espouse in the rest of the speech.

8:15 next year's budget will work wonders.

8:16 asbestos claims? Legal reform yes ... but asbestos?

8:17 I don't know if I like this tack when focusing on the health care issue. I wish he'd talk more in terms of the ownership society and tell us what we'd own. HSAs are a part of that. I would have liked to hear him introduce the idea of the Ownership Society and then go into what that looks like (Personal Savings Accounts for SS, HSAs, Tort Reform, etc).

8:19 tepid applause for the Clear Skies Act. People are getting bored George. Pick it up.

8:22 Glad he is reassuring the elderly that their benefits aren't changing. Maybe they'll get the hell out of my way and let me have my Personal Account. I'm also glad that he is using hard facts and numbers, trusting the American People. Booing? "It should not be a small matter to the United States Congress." Well said. There's the applause.

8:30 Now he's speaking directly to the people affected by this. Thanks Dubya. Treat a man like a man and he'll respond. He is now dispelling every myth and misdirection Krugman has been spewing for the last three weeks. "Your money is yours and the government has no right to it." YAY! He also points out the inherent unfairness to minorities in the current Social Security system.

8:31 Here is the Conservative Red Meat. Federal Marriage Amendment. Faith based initiative. Tax reform. Just to let his voters know he hasn't forgotten them.

8:40 first mention of 9/11. Not bad. 30 minutes in. He is now listing the gigantic accomplishments in Iraq and the Middle East. Now he is hitting his stride. He is always at his best when he waxing idealistic. The entire Congress is on its feet now. Wow. I'd say the Democracy Virus is spreading and Bush is the major carrier.

8:42 Closer to a Palestinian State? Apparently Bush doesn't read LGF

8:50 Iranian rebels, "America Stands With You." If the newsies grab this right, we may have a new "Tear Down This Wall."

8:51 On removing Hussein: "We have removed a threat, rather than leave him for our children and grandchildren." Just how long does Bush think Hussein was gonna live?

8:54 Good choice in guest in Safia Taleb Al-Suheil. She is visibly shaking. I know I'd be nervous too. I like her statement "[Hussein] was the real occupation. Thank you."

8:56 His vision of Iraq's gradual takeover of their own responsibilities resonates with my hopes. "We will not set an artificial timetable for leaving Iraq, because that would embolden the terrorists to wait us out." The timeline is goal-based, not date-based.

8:59 Praising the troops sincerely. Is it any wonder the military loves this man? Very emotional moment here looking at Sgt. Norwood's mother. Thank you Sgt. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Norwood. "Mom, you've done your job. Now it's time for me to protect you."

9:02 "The road of Providence is uneven and unpredictable -- yet we know where it leads: It leads to freedom."

53 minutes. 65 applause moments. Walking out of the session, he tells a black Congressman "As you can tell, I was listening in that meeting the other day." Must be referring to the meeting with the Black Caucus the other day.

Uh Oh. Here's the Democratic *gag* Response.

Harry Reid pleads for bi-partisanship. There's that "birth tax" the DUnces were talking about a while back. He also waves the Outsourcing bogeyman. Ah well.. He has a lot of things to say and needs to put out there. Health Care, Education, Prescription Drugs. We need. We need.. We need... No "Here's how"

Really Harry Reid? A "Groundhog Day" movie reference? Really, in 2005? OK, big guy. You go with that one.

Social Security Roulette, "this from a Senator from Las Vegas"?!?! PLEASE STOP TRYING TO BE FUNNY!!!
"You can be sure the Democrats will offer real answers in the months ahead." Why not now Harry Reid? I haven't heard a how yet!

Pelosi's on. God she creeps me out. The Botox is supposed to be administered in small doses, not by the gallon. She's talking about Iraq. She quotes an Intelligence Chief as saying "Iraq has become a magnet for International Terror." Yeah? A bug zapper acts as a magnet for outdoor insects. I think they serve the same purpose.

What the hell is she trying to say? Anti-Americanism is what drives the insurgency and Diplomacy is the only answer? Riiiiight. Root causes and all that rot.

Now she's giving the terrorists all kinds of options and inroads to attack the US. Hey. Nancy. Let's not give the terrorists any ideas huh? Kerry did the same thing. I wonder if they are really trying to encourage the terrorists to use these methods they keep repeating so they can say "Ha! We told you so!"

I agree we must do something about Sudan. Lord know the UN can't or won't.

"Democrats are committed to a strong National Security ..." *cough*bullshit*cough*

She just creeps me out! Bush was nicer to them this year than he was last year when he gave them a little rope-a-dope by releasing key paragraphs out of context to which they responded without knowing how he was going to use those 'grafs.

The Dems tried to be bold by marking the line in the sand regarding personal retirement accounts. This is not going to do well for them.

All in all, President Bush did very well tonight. He set out his arguments and didn't make a whole lot of unrealisitic promises. The Democrats came off weak, whiny and reactionary. Bush is a clear winner tonight.

Tom Delay on FNC "Unfortunately the Democrats have become the party of No. No ideas." hehe.